I am not sure if you have heard of the movie that was released last weekend called the Fifth Quarter. I believe it is only really playing in movie theaters in the south. It is a low rent movie that seemed more like a good lifetime movie but it is based off of a true story. I recommend watching the trailer. Any how the story is about a wake forest football player, Jon Abbate, whose brother passed away and how he came back and over came his trials and tribulations. Then it goes on to show wake's winning season etc. It was neat because it was when Jeff played football there so we knew all of the characters in the movies and they used the actual football clips of the games which Jeff was in.
It definitely is a movie we will purchase to keep and show our kids since it recaps all the highlights of that winning season and has a great christian based story line. It just so happened that during the ACC championship game clip they were scanning the crowd showing people cheering after we won and there was myself and my friend cheering in the pouring rain. I about died when we were at the movies on Sunday because there I am soaking wet, hair all frizzy but at least we made the movie! I leaned over to Jeff and said now we definitely can buy it!
It brought back a lot of good memories that we had during the five football seasons Jeff was at wake and sort of made us miss it, we were blessed he was apart of such a great program but thankful we are together now and not doing long distance!
Go Deacs!
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