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I am a 20 something Florida girl who loves the Lord, planning parties, traveling, and most importantly spending time with my wonderful husband and two little girls, Georgia & Ivy.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


We have so much to be thankful for this past year! Most importantly little Delainey was brought into this world and my goddaughter, Haigan as well. But Jeff and I had a big year of purchases we bought our first car and house together. There seems to always be a project or something we want to do with the house but we couldn't be happier with where we are at now! It is a perfect place to start a family. 
When we look into 2013 Jeff and I didn't set to many resolutions so it isn't unattainable! We both put on the usual try to loose some weight! I started back up on weight watchers and getting back into a routine of working out since all the holiday madness is over! Weight watchers worked pretty well for me two years ago and then I sort of went relaxed last year but I am going to get pretty serious about it again. My goal is to loose weight before we try to have kids so that is something to work for so I can just put it all back on with a baby griffin! My flag football season started this past week so that always help have practice and game each week to keep me active as well. We won our game on Friday 26-0 to a team that was suppose to be pretty good but didn't turn out that way. 
We have quite a few weddings coming up this year and a few trips are planned with our family and friends so lots to look forward to!

Today after we went to Church and lunch with the family we decided to walk around the town center to do a little shopping. We have some bachelorette and wedding parties coming up so we needed to grab a few gifts. But while we were out I have been searching for some sheets for our master bedroom but to be honest sheets are so expensive and that is just something I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on so I always am apprehensive! I came across these little pinstriped sheets that we could get monogrammed and they happened to be 20% off right now so I decided to go for it! We just got our last name on them instead of our monogram. We got some sheets and pillow cases! Of course my husbands response was is this really a necessity? But we haven't got new sheets since we got married which is coming up on 3 years ago so its definitely time! I can't wait for them to get here! 

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