It's hard to believe but yet another two of mine and Jeff's closest friends got engaged tonight! 2 engagements in the same week! My wish has come true. I was just telling jeff im in like major withdraw of all the wedding festivities and I wish our friends would get engaged soon and looky looky!!!! Allie was one of my bridesmaid and brandon was one of Jeff's groomsmen. Believe it or not I was the reason they got together back in our high school days. I was the match maker but after all these years of dating he popped the question tonight! I was so super excited when I heard the news and i was the first to know he did it and I about lost it. I knew it was coming but I had no idea it was around the corner. So there are going to be lots of fun wedding events coming in the near future between Andrew/Anna Bett's wedding and Allie and Brandon! Whew!!
But I cant wait to plan showers and do all the fun stuff with Allie. So Congrats allie and brandon! Jeff and I love you both soo much! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you both.
This is Al and B at our Rehearsal Dinner!
Whooo Hooo!! How exciting! Now you can devot all your time in planning an amazing shower!! Let me know if you want some help... You know I'm a sucker for a swanky event!! YAY AL & B!